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Convention | Social Action | Online Events | WRJ Auction | Civic Engagement
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News from the Northeast

November 3, 2020
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Did you miss the  October newsletter? You can read it here.

Message from Trina Novak
President, WRJ Northeast District

What a long strange trip it’s been – Grateful Dead, “Truckin’”
This has certainly been an unexpected presidential term. At the end of 2018, we hit the road with enthusiasm, expecting to carry on our strong Northeast District traditions while envisioning where we could turn new concepts and goals into reality. We ran successful area events in two cities that had never had area events. We held a fabulous Kallah with the theme, “The Art of Listening: WRJ and You.” Kallah attracted participants from all corners of the district, women who soldiered on when the electricity went out, even chanting Torah by flashlight. Our Speakers Bureau program, where we travel to augment sisterhood programs, hold board trainings, and offer consultations, was running smoothly. Several of us had lunch dates with sisterhood leaders and met on a more informal basis.
Our area directors and vice presidents of Area Management continued their outreach to sisterhood leaders to hear about sisterhood events and successes, as well as offer advice to groups experiencing "bumps along the road." Our Marketing and Communications team posted information about local sisterhood, district, and WRJ programs and events, as well as offerings from our Reform partners. Daily notices and messages appeared on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, our newest social media account.
Then our world changed drastically. Being the resilient women we are, we began connecting on Zoom. The district ran monthly meetings where women shared their stories around themes such as Chai Tea, attending a Garden Party or Beach Party. Local leaders offered book groups and movie discussions. WRJ online programming attracted cooks and virtual travelers. We were able to reach more women who craved connection during this time. Marketing and Communications continued to promote virtual programming, and area directors continued their outreach. The Speakers Bureau is now virtual, and I hope to see you at our virtual Northeast District Convention, “Celebrating Our Stories.”
Women of Reform Judaism would not exist without all of you. Since its founding in 1913, Women of Reform Judaism has been uniting our collective voices with a common mission and vision. Yet, it is the personal touches that bring us together and keep us together. The beauty of belonging to sisterhood and WRJ is that when the chips are down, the women send baked goods, love, and caring. WRJ women have your back, and that alone is worth being involved.
I am honored to have served as the Northeast District president these past two years. I know the district remains healthy, and that our new Board of Directors will ably move us forward into the next term. As the WRJ tagline states, we are Stronger Together. May we remain so.
Trina Novak
Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA

Northeast District Virtual Convention

It's not too late to register!!!

November 6-7, 2020

The Women of Reform Judaism Northeast District invites you, your friends, and your family to "Celebrating Our Stories" at our first virtual convention on November 6 and 7. We will present a full schedule of events, including guest speakers, workshops, Shabbat services, Torah study, Havdalah, and the installation of our new Executive Committee. Because of the generosity of our sponsors and donors, we are able to offer this exciting weekend of programming at no cost to our attendees.
REGISTER HERE for the 2020 Virtual WRJ Northeast District Convention
For information about the many donation and sponsorship opportunities, CLICK HERE
Contact Marilyn Shebshaievitz at
if you have questions about registration
Feel free to forward these links to sisterhood and women's group members, and to all those who would like to be part of our involved, active, and joyous community for this special weekend.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Social Action Project

As is our custom, we have chosen a social action project for our convention. In keeping with our convention theme, "Celebrating Our Stories," we plan to share the joy of storytelling by starting a children's library with the Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network, a not-for-profit, interfaith, culturally-competent organization that assists homeless families.
Learn about our social action project and how you can help.
Did you miss the Convention Newsletter?

Selected Online Events

Adventures in Jewish Studies Podcast

Series 1 and 2 are available. Popular episodes include "Rethinking Black Jewish Relations," "Origins of the Jews," "The Marvelous Mrs. Carroll," "Are Jews White?" and more. Listen Now.

Wednesday, November 18, 7:30 p.m.
The World Split Open: Redefining Sexual Harm in Halakhah

The Diane Markowicz Memorial Lecture will feature Rachel Adler, David Ellenson Professor of Modern Jewish Thought at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles. The poet Muriel Rukeyser wrote, “If one woman told the truth about her life, the world would split open.” How would halakhah change if women and other genders transformed it to define sexual harm as they experience it and held perpetrators accountable? Get the details and register.

Sunday, December 13, 8:00 p.m.
Many Candles, One World

Produced by the Tony Award-winning team of Yael Silver and Carmine Entertainment, this event will feature Chanukah music and traditions from around the world, showcasing acclaimed choirs, cantors, and special celebrity guests. Sponsored by the World Union for Progressive Judaism, the event will be broadcast in partnership with Central Synagogue on their YouTube channel.

Wise Aging Program
Four Wednesdays 9/2, 10/7, 11/4, and 12/2 at 7:30 p.m.

Linda Levin is offering a exclusive program for WRJ members. The cost is $80; Linda has agreed to donate $18 to WRJ for each WRJ member sho signs up. Four Wednesdays - September 2, October 7, November 4, and December 2 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. REGISTER HERE

November Calendar on Yammer

You can find out about new events as they are added by checking out the WRJ Calendar via Yammer. Please note that Yammer is required to access this calendar. VIEW IT HERE

News from WRJ

WRJ Holiday Auction
November 8-15, 2020

What a great opportunity to give holiday JOY – either to yourself or as a gift to someone else by partcipating in AND donating items for the WRJ Holiday Auction 2020.
Please encourage your WRJ sisters, friends, co-workers, family - men and women to participate.
Questions? Contact Becky Markowitz, WRJ Holiday Auction 2020 Chair, at

Civic Engagement Campaign

Every Voice, Every Vote: What's Next
Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 8:00 p.m.

The Reform Movement’s 2020 Civic Engagement Campaign has been our largest and most successful effort to engage U.S. citizens in our democratic process. Together, we have mobilized nearly 500,000 voters and worked tirelessly to ensure that every voice is heard and every vote is counted in this election.
Join us for this Movement-wide convening to lift up stories and celebrate our collective accomplishments, hear from our partners about the impact of this election on the most urgent issues of the moment, and commit to being a part of the ongoing effort to mobilize our Reform Movement to pursue justice and effect change at the local, state, and federal levels in 2021.

Online District Speakers

We are pleased to announce that speakers from the Northeast District may be arranged for online Zoom meetings.
There is no cost to your sisterhood or women’s group for a district speaker.

Online Resource Roundup

WRJ has created a new ONLINE PROGRAMMING GROUP on Yammer. Look there for online events, and post your sisterhood’s online events there.
Looking for a chronological list of online events? Check UPCOMING WEBINARS on the Northeast District website.
Did you miss a Zoom session? Check RECENT WEBINARS on the Northeast District website.
Looking for other programs? Check ONGOING RESOURCES on the Northeast District website.

Calendar and Other Resources


November 3 Election Day
November 6-7 Northeast District Convention
November 11 Veteran's Day (U.S.)
November 26 Thanksgiving (U.S.)

Save the Date

March 11-14, 2021 WRJ Fried Women's Conference

Keep in Touch
with WRJ Northeast

Twitter Facebook Instagram
NEwebsite yammer

Need access to Yammer?

Contact Heather Lorgeree at 212‑650‑4050 or email her at

Request an Online Speaker

Your sisterhood is entitled to a district speaker without expense to your sisterhood.
In alternate years, you may REQUEST A WRJ SPEAKER.
VAWA PayFairness
Together we can make a difference

New sisterhood presidents and women's group leaders!

Please complete the LEADERSHIP INFORMATION FORM so that we can update our records and keep you informed with news, events, advocacy alerts, and more.

Moment Magazine

Subscribe via the WRJ Shop, and one-half of the $18 subscription price will benefit WRJ initiatives.

Did you Know...

November is Hunger Awareness Month

What is food insecurity? The state of being without reliable access to a sufficent quantity to affordable nutritious food.
More than 42 million Americans are at risk of suffering from hunger.
Nearly 1 in 5 children live in poverty.
1 in 9 people in the world do not have enough to eat. Of those 60% are women.
Every 10 seconds a child dies of a hunger related disease worldwide.

The Board of the Northeast District of Women of Reform Judaism
Looks Forward to Seeing You Online
for Our November Convention!

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The next eblast will be sent on December 1, 2020
Send program listings, photos, and articles to by November 24, 2020
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