A monthly digest of SBCC faculty and staff news
A monthly digest of SBCC faculty and staff news

Cliff Notes: MAY 2020

During this time of working from home and social distancing, Cliff Notes is one way we can keep our campus community together. How are you coping with soical distancing? Is there news about your department that you would like to share? Awards, recognitions, tips for connecting with students and colleagues online, special lectures, presentations or events you are conducting via Zoom? Let us know! You can send items of interest to marketing@sbcc.edu and include “Cliff Notes” in the subject line.

Our message to students

Christina Lomeli, Student Program Advisor with EOPS Guardian Scholars program, one of the staff members who participated in the "virtual video shoot."
We may not be able to gather together for the time being but we are still “here” for our students. So, in April the Office of Communications organized a group of faculty and staff to participate in a “virtual video shoot” by submitting photos that, when edited together (by our amazing student worker/videographer, Will Hahn), presented a reassuring message to students.  Watch the video on our YouTube channel. We encourge you to share it with your students!

Virtual Commencement!

Although all in-person campus operations have been suspended until further notice, that won’t stop us from holding a commencement ceremony to honor the graduating class of 2020. On Friday, May 8 at 5 p.m., the college will hold a “virtual” commencement online, to which all students, faculty, staff and the community at large are invited.
Schools throughout the country are turning to virtual commencement ceremonies as the best alternative to a live event. The virtual ceremony will allow for speeches to be displayed to the graduates and their families, along with the individual achievements of each graduate and personal recognitions.
There will even be a platform where graduates can enjoy a communal moment through watching the webcast and/or engaging via social media.

Faculty Recognition 2020

The Faculty Recognition Committee decided to do something different this extraordinary year and opted to choose four members of the Faculty Resource Center for special acknowledgement. According to the committee, “No one needs to explain how invaluable they have been to all our faculty!”
David Wong
Critical thinker, careful planner, quiet, introspective, strong team leader who is always looking out for the faculty and staff members he supports; this is David Wong. His approach as an instructional designer is broad, removing potential barriers faculty may face as they seek to implement instructional technology. David guides faculty based on many years’ experience, proactively anticipating effective and efficient use of everyone’s time and effort. He collaborates with his staff respecting the many talents each brings to the table. David is the heartbeat of the FRC.

Karen Shannon
Detailed problem-solver, patient, trouble-shooter who explores multiple approaches before she meets with faculty to review their options; this is Karen Shannon. She is dedicated to making sure that her ideas will work from both a student perspective and a faculty perspective, often testing both views before she lets the faculty member get away. Karen is kind and consistent, often receiving gratitude or small tokens of appreciation and thanks from faculty members.
Rob Brown
Multimedia wizard, trainer with classroom anecdotes that can lead faculty through tried and true levels of problem-solving; this is Robert Brown. He willingly answers questions through a design lens, but always with students and student access in mind. Robert provides practical approaches while still upholding effective pedagogy and optimising creative expressions.  
Jeff Barnes
Skilled, meticulous, quiet, kind and focused; this is Jeff Barnes. He spends long hours in video production ensuring that classroom videos are of the highest quality. He is always at the ready when faculty and the campus need him. Jeff is a trusted trainer and support professional.

English Department launches first issue of online magazine

After working with students throughout the Fall semester, Emma Trelles and Joshua Escobar edited, designed and produced SBCC’s new “creative writing + arte visual”  magazine, Open Fruit, a collaboration of poets, filmmakers, fashion designers, journalists, writers, painters, and collagists who study and work at SBCC. Read issue 1: exhale.
SBCC alum, actor Michael James Lazar

Ben Crop interviews Theatre Arts alumni for new website section

The Garvin Theatre may be dark during this period of social distancing, but Technical Director Ben Crop has kept busy with a new project for the Theatre Arts Department: SBCC Theatre Arts Alumni webpages.
Did you know that our alumni work all across the globe, from Los Angeles to Broadway to London’s West End? They are actors, production managers, crew members, and a number of other roles in the world of theatre, film and television. Read Ben’s interviews with them and about their SBCC roots... (Ben promises regular updates!)

Longevity Recognition

Each month the college recognizes the longevity and dedication of our employees and the impact that those employees have on students, the institution and the culture of excellence at Santa Barbara City College.

At the April 9 Board meeting – conducted via Zoom – Jordan Morris, Senior Research Data Warehouse Specialist, was recognized for 10 years of service at the college.

Shared Stories
Our usual routines have been disrupted. Faculty had to adapt quickly to teaching classes online, staff and administrators are working from home, all meetings are conducted via Zoom and on top of everything – for everyone’s health and saftey – the entire state of California has been urged to stay inside and avoid gathering with others. So we are wondering: How is all of this affecting you (personally and/or professionally) and what are you doing to cope? Let's stay connected by sharing our stories. 
Stay well everyone. Together we will get through this.
My new coworkers demand regular snacks and draw outside the lines

Luz Reyes-Martín, Executive Director of Public Affairs and Communications

Overnight, our home became a command center. We have two adults working full time from home, two kids (5 and 1) missing their beloved preschool and daycare teachers and friends, and two dogs bewildered that the humans are around all the time.

I wish I could regale you with stories of all the baked goods, home improvements, and school projects we’ve done while staying at home. But the reality is we are working more than ever, the kids have more screen time than I’d like (I know the theme song to Elena of Avalor by heart now), and the dogs are not getting daily walks (sorry Sasha and Coco). And Self-care? What’s that?
Amanda and Finn

Amanda Jacobs, Marketing Communications Specialist, Office of Communications

Optimism is key, right? Working from home during this pandemic has forced me to continue to constantly look on the brighter side of every annoyance, disruption or hurdle I’m faced with. The dog is barking again? Oh, well, at least I’m home with my dog. My mom is asking me how to restart her computer again? Oh, well, at least she’s safe. We have to reschedule our wedding?  Read Amanda's full story...
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Stronger Together, Safely Apart
SBCC stands with Santa Barbara County. We are stronger together, safely apart. Watch the video, and feel free to share! 
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