Despite dolphin being the 2nd most targeted highly migratory species in the
Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) behind bluefin tuna, since 2002, there have only been 348 dolphin tagged and released in the region
. Due to the lack of tagging data, there is virtually no quantitative information on residency patterns, horizontal and vertical movements, and connections with the eastern Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, or South Atlantic Bight. This data is necessary to address many of the research objectives outlined in the first article of this newsletter. We value greatly the dedicated effort from
Captain Chris and
David Jobes of the
Pair of Docs fishing team based out of Cape May, NJ, who are largely credited with acquiring most of the baseline data for the DRP within the MAB to date. Now that the DRP is headquartered in Newport, Rhode Island, over the next several years, the DRP is focused on involving more captains and vessels in data collection on dolphin in this region. To incentivize this effort, this year we created an additional awards program for anglers participating in the MAB. This awards program was made possible by
Star Rods,
Shimano Reels, and the
Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation. To learn about the specific MAB awards categories and how to get involved visit or click the banner above.