Re-registration, Mason360, 25Live, etc
Re-registration, Mason360,  25Live, etc
SI website RSO Website

2020-2021 Re-Registration is Open!

Officers of an RSO will see a re-registration button on their individual RSO Group pages in Mason360.
Please see our website for the Re-Registration Timeline and Instructions.
If you have any questions, our team is here to help:
2020-2021 Re-Registration

Mason360 Glitch

After your event is approved on Mason360, please do NOT change anything with your event.  For example, If you change the location after the event is approved it will not be seen on the public events list. The event will be listed as pending approval on your end but does not inform our team of the change.
Please make sure your event is up to date before submitting. If you need help after it is approved, message our team through Mason360 or email us at and we can change the location or time if needed. ~ Thank you. 

25live Notice

The latest update to 25Live has restricted late-night event reservations to the building open hours (typically 11pm). In the past, RSOs were able to ask for events up to 1am. If you are seeking a late night event up to 1am, please add the request into the EVENT COMMENTS section in your reservation. 
Always go back and check the timing for your event - make sure you understand the following:
  • Light Green (12pm-2pm): 'Setup' is for the Event Services Team to set up the venue. Your RSO is not able to enter the space during this time.
  • The Medium Green (2pm-4pm):Pre-Event is your RSO reserved 'setup' time. You would have indicated this in your reservation (add this to your EVENT COMMENTS section as well). 
  • The Darkest Green (4pm-10:30pm) is your event time
  • The Medium Green (10:30pm-10:55pm) is your clean up time. You MUST vacate the venue at the end of this time for the GMU staff to re-set the room for the next event.
25Live event time table

Pi Day Celebration

March 4th, 4-7 pm Student Involvement Office (HUB 2300)
Come out and celebrate Pi Day (early) with our STEM Organizations! Whether you're already in a STEM organization on campus, or you're interested in joining one, all are welcome to attend! Different kinds of Pi's will be offered for refreshments. 
Register here:

SFB Member Application

The Student Funding Board (SFB) is currently accepting applications for new members! The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 by 11:59 PM!


TEDx Talk

Have YOU ever wanted to do a TED Talk?

TEDxGeorgeMasonU is back and we want to hear from YOU. As a university TED conference, we want to hear what you, our student colleagues have to say. If you have an idea you want to share with the greater Mason community (as well as the world- TEDx events are recorded and placed on the TEDx website and YouTube), apply to be a student speaker at our event with the form above. After filling out the form and submitting a video submission, the finalists may be called in for an interview if necessary. Otherwise, decisions will largely be based on the form, write-ups and video submission.

Our conference is set to be this March 31st from 12 pm-5 pm at the JC cinema and we would love to see you there.

Mason Miracle Founding Executive Board!

For more information on becoming a founding executive board member and application go to: The deadline is 3/6 for the management team and 3/20 for chair positions. 

2020 iWeek

Cricket and Soccer Tournamets Hosted by Mason Recreation!

Click the fliers below to sign up - more information will be communicated with your team by the Mason Recreation Team!
iWeek Cricket Tournmanet iWeek Soccer

LEAD Office is Hiring

Attention Mason Students!!!

Interested in working with the LEAD Office and serving as a Student Leadership Consultant? Apply TODAY!!! For more info and to apply, visit: The deadline to apply is March 16th.

The function of a Student Leadership Consultant is to serve as a representative of George Mason University and the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Office by empowering and inspiring Mason students to lead to the best of their ability with integrity and passion. A Leadership Consultant (LC) must be a mature student who desires to grow and to help others to grow in the various areas of leadership by working as part of the Leadership Education and Development Office and Leadership Advocates. Leadership Consultants will be responsible for planning and facilitating leadership programs that will appeal to the diverse population at George Mason University. Our vision is to empower and inspire Mason students to lead to the best of their ability with integrity and passion.

For more info and to apply, visit: The deadline to apply is March 16th.
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The HUB 2300

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