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Hells Bells
April, 2017
Earth Day, Wyden Town Hall Meeting 
Saturday, April 22nd is Earth Day!  If you live in Eastern Oregon, there are several local activities you can take part in this weekend and next to support our planet.  (Please view a complete list here.)  
No matter where you live, make time on Saturday to honor this wonderful planet that gives us life.  As we've seen on t-shirts and bumper stickers, "There Is No Planet B."  Whether it's planting a tree, talking to you kids about the reality of consumption on our planet's limited resources, making a donation to a conservation group, or simply getting outside, find some way to connect with your natural self and our natural world this weekend!
Also upcoming: Senator Wyden is making his rounds for Town Hall meetings, and will be in La Grande on Saturday at the High School auditorium at 4:30 p.m.  Telling him in your own voice what you value about our local public lands and environment might be the most impactful action you can take on Earth Day.  You can find his complete town hall schedule here
Saturday, May 20, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
Oregon Zoo, Conservation Hall
Part of the new Conservation Hall space
We're in the home stretch of preparations for our 50th Anniversary Celebration!  We still have some tickets left, so if you're planning on attending but haven't yet bought your seat, don't wait. The event space is awesome, our guest speaker Kim Stafford is going to inspire you, you'll eat delicious food and drink really good wine, meet new friends, connect with old friends, and most importantly, help us keep kicking conservation a** in the Greater Hells Canyon Region for another 50 years!  
Purchase Tickets
A stay at Youngberg Hill is just one of the awesome packages that could be yours!
Golden Raffle
The Golden Raffle is your chance to score an amazing travel package for just $100. You don’t need to be present to win, so this is a perfect option if you want to help us meet our conservation goals, but aren't able to attend to the event. 

View Travel Packages
New Blog on Lostine Corridor 
A new blog featured on Outdoor Project by our own Board of Directors member Marina Richie highlights why the Lostine River Corridor is so special, and how logging threatens it.  You can check out the entire piece here. 
Oregon Senate Bill on Defensible Space
An Oregon Senate Bill has been proposed to create tax credits for landowners who build defensible space around their homes to protect themselves from wildfire.  With some exceptions for terrain, homeowners would need to have clear defensible space for 300 feet around their home on all sides to qualify for the credit.  It's great to see Oregon lawmakers addressing this important issue and incentivizing homeowners to understand and mitigate the wildfire risks they take on by living in forests.  You can learn more about the bill here, or track its progress here.  Bill Hansell is the State Senator for District 29, which includes Wallowa, Union, Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman, and parts of Wasco Counties.  If you support this bill to make homes safer, email Senator Hansell and let him know! 
Draft Wolf Report Out
Earlier this month ODFW released a draft of its annual wolf report, as well as a draft of their updated wolf conservation and management plan.  Wolves were delisted from protection in Oregon in 2015, and since then, recovery has slowed. Breeding pairs dropped in 2016, and the number of known wolves in the state only increased by two from the year before. You can email the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife today to let them know you want to see conservation, non-lethal livestock conflict prevention, and education prioritized in the final management plan.  
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HCPC works to protect and restore an extraordinarily diverse and beautiful wild area and its native inhabitants in the Northwest.  Your support makes our work possible.  Thank you!
~ Darilyn Parry Brown, Executive Director 
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Sponsor of the Month:
Thank you to the Wildhorse Foundation for supporting our communications work!
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HCPC Wishlist:

We're always looking for a few things.  Your donation is tax deductible, and helps us save time and money. Thank you!
  • Air purifyer
  • 1st class stamps
  • Postcard stamps
Thank you EarthShare Oregon for supporting us through your workplace giving campaigns!  Learn how to donate a portion of your wages to Oregon causes here.
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