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Rising Together 2025: Saturday, January 25th at 9 AM!
As we look ahead to 2025, many of us are feeling anxiety, dread, or at least trepidation about the political moment we are heading towards. But we also know that, in community, we can find a different path forward filled with possibilities, support, and hope! If you're looking for spiritual sustenance, community connections, and opportunities to deepen your skills for making change, please plan to join us here at the Fellowship for Rising Together: Lessons on Healing from the Front Lines of Activism on Saturday, January 25th from 9 am - 1 pm. Hosted in partnership with the Green Bay Area UU Fellowship, ESTHER Fox Valley, and Congregational United Church of Christ Neenah/Menasha, the third annual Rising Together will include spiritual centering time, a lively panel, topical breakout sessions, and lunch. The event (including lunch and childcare) is free of charge and all are welcome! You can learn more and register at fvuuf.org/rising, and email hannah@fvuuf.org with questions.
Breakout Sessions:
• Mindfulness for Activists
• Managing Your Own Anxiety in Your Activism
• One-on-One Relational Meetings 101
• Self-Reflection & Cultural Humility
• Decentering Yourself in Your Activism
• Moving at the Speed of Trust
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Sunday, January 12
- 9:00 am Central Time in-person
informal coffeehouse-style service with conversation - 11:00 am Central Time in-person & livestream traditional service with sermon
A Good Retelling: Changing Our Stories, Changing Ourselves
by Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy
• Visit fvuuf.org/middlehour/ to learn more about middle hour.
• Watch past sermons on our YouTube channel.
• Upcoming Services HERE
• See our website HERE for information about our Sunday religious exploration classes for children and youth.
• Share the Plate: In January we share the plate between the Fellowship and Legal Action Wisconsin.
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10:10 AM Middle Hour
Middle Hour offering this Sunday:
• Newcomer Fireside Chat with the Generosity & Engagement Team
• Joyful Mind Sangha 11th Anniversary
Click HERE for future Middle Hour offerings.
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| Adult Connection & Learning Opportunities
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Express Yourself
The next offering of Express Yourself is Collages on January 15. We meet 6:00-7:30 pm. Collages are a fun way to use words, images, and creativity to make a new piece of art out of old magazines, newspapers, and more!
Do you want to write a poem with letters from The New Yorker? Or create a still life out of photographs from Cook's Illustrated? Where will your journey with scissors and glue take you? Amanda and Cindy will provide some paper, magazines, glue, and scissors. **Please bring some materials to share!**
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Unpacking Religious Baggage Group - This Sunday, January 12 2nd Sunday of each month, 12:30-1:30 pm
Are you carrying around religious baggage from your upbringing? Do you want to have less negative reactions when other people mention religion or God? Do you want to heal from religious wounds, and move forward with a healthier, more inclusive, and loving sense of your spirituality, whatever that might mean for you now? We’re with you! Join us for our monthly conversations to connect with people who have similar experiences and support each other in developing our spiritual identities. Our ministers and lay leaders will help us develop some self-work and topic exploration to do in between our meetings.
Contact Rev. Christina if you have questions or want to hear more about what the group is doing: christina@fvuuf.org.
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Christian Spirituality Group 4th Sunday of each month, 12:30-1:30 pm
If you identify as a UU Christian or simply want to spend some time exploring UU spirituality around ideas of God, Jesus, or the Bible, join us for a UU Christian Spirituality Group, which is new and still developing how we want to use our time together. We hope to see you at our next meeting.
Contact Kathy Rose if you have questions or want to hear more about what the group is doing: 2kathrynrose@gmail.com.
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| Religious Exploration - Children & Youth
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Religious Exploration Program Year
We warmly invite all young curious minds to join us in fun and friendship in our Religious Exploration classes on Sundays during the 11:00 service. Kids in grades 4K-8 will discover our values through enriching lessons and activities that help them grow spiritually, ethically, and intellectually.
Every month, our students in grades 4K- 5 will explore a variety of major world religions and learn more about our new Unitarian Universalist values: Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity (JETPIG). Finally, they will continue their journey of understanding and practicing their own UU faith.
Click HERE for information about each of our programs including nursery, children’s Sunday Religious Exploration, and HERE for our teen programs; Crossing Paths, Being a Teen, and Our Whole Lives.
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Green Sanctuary Book Discussion
Green Sanctuary is facilitating a book discussion featuring The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide For Trying Times on Wednesday, February 26 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the Fellowship. Naturalist Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams explore, through thought-provoking conversation, Jane’s “Four Reasons For Hope”. Enjoy reading the book and join the discussion.
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Click the image to view the Justice Hub
Justice Hub
Check out the Justice Hub, featuring an easy-to-use calendar! Each event on the calendar includes time, location, and program details to help you learn more about how to get engaged with our wider community.
When you click on an event, at the bottom of the description you can click “Copy to my calendar” to add the event to your calendar and never miss a chance to act courageously for justice in our world.
- January 17, from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. WISDOM hosts a virtual Community Discussion: Preparing for Potential Impacts of Trump 2.0 hosted by Layde & Parra, SC, a firm based in Wisconsin that represents immigrants. Register here.
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| Connect & Commit Spotlight
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Save the Date for a “Campy” Cabaret!
Our 2025 Cabaret is coming up on Saturday, February 8! It’s our annual Fellowship talent show “Fun(d)”-Raiser!
Doors open at 6:30 pm - Showtime at 7:00 pm. Our 31st Cabaret is going to be a retro RV camp extravaganza!
Tickets are $15. Available at the door (cash only) or in advance via debit or credit card in our online payment portal. Go to https://tinyurl.com/FellowshipFundraisers. Enter $15 and select Cabaret from the drop-down list, add to basket, then continue to payment.
Want to be a camp helper? We have lots of options… Setup - Card Tables - Food/Drink - Cashiers - Performers - Stage Help. Look for “S’more” information and sign-ups in the Fellowship Hall or email Mary Gerlach at gerlachmz@gmail.com.
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Donate Now to Make Our Auctions a Success!
Click here to submit your donation to our Fellowship auctions! Our online auction will be for smaller items (March 2-9) and later in March, we'll hold a Glitz & Glamour Gala and in-person auction for our bigger items. Help us raise money for our Fellowship's vital ministries!
• Do you cook, bake, or have a skill you can share (handyman, woodworking, cleaning, painting?) • Do you create crafts, jewelry, or other items to sell? • Do you have a property, a boat, camper, vacation home, or something else you can rent out? • Would you be willing to offer a house concert or dinner event? • Do you have connections at local venues, restaurants, or other places that you could ask to donate something? • Do you have tickets for the PAC, Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra, Packers, Brewers, or something else you could offer? • The opportunities are endless!
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Connect and Commit: Engage, Serve, Give
Communication is vital to the life of The Fellowship. This year, our Generosity & Engagement Ministries (GEM) is focusing on the ways we Connect and Commit: Engage, Serve, Give. Our goal is that each person will consider their connection and commitment to the Fellowship – How do you want to engage, serve, and give this year?
We need each of you to complete the Connect and Commit form, to let us know your hopes, goals, and intentions for the year. Our goal is to help each person find their place at the Fellowship so that we are all connected in meaningful ways. The information from the form will help us support your purposeful commitment to the Fellowship.
Please click HERE for details and to fill out the form. Paper forms are available in the Fellowship lobby.
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Ride to Sunday Service
A person with a disability living in De Pere would be grateful for a ride on Sunday morning so she can attend the 11:00 am service. Please contact Rev. Christina at christina@fvuuf.org if you can help.
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UU Women's Connection Winter 2025 Retreat Join us January 31-February 2, 2025
This will be our first Winter retreat! With a focus on our mind, body, and spirit, we'll make a spa weekend for ourselves. So bring your favorite robe and slippers and prepare to relax, pamper, and renew yourself. Following the new tradition of our Summer retreat, we'll prepare meals for each other in the Lodge kitchen. And rather than structured workshops, we'll include activities like these:
- Imbolc ritual
- Adult Coloring
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Drumming
- We'll also have a massage therapist vendor attending!
Kathy Miller is our Lead for this event, Nyx Firebourn is Registrar, and Diana DeWeese is creating the rituals.
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Care and Support
To submit a Joy or Concern, fill out the form on our website or contact Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy, Co-Minister, at christina@fvuuf.org or 920-731-0849. For pastoral emergencies call 920-383-1565.
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