As Salaamu Alaikum!
I am Dr. Isam Vaid, Muslim Religious Life Scholar in Emory OSRL and a triple Emory Eagle. The weather is slowly turning cool in Atlanta, the home of the 2021 Baseball World Champions. Pumpkin lattes are everywhere and soon it will be time for light sweaters and jackets. Campus has returned to a normal rhythm with all of the student activity and campus truly feels fully alive after two years of hybrid learning.
I want to bring your attention to strong and dynamic undergraduate and graduate Muslim communities at your alma mater. Just a couple of weeks ago, the Graduate Muslim Student Council hosted a delightful welcome back event bringing together Muslim graduate students from all across Emory. This past Friday, the Emory MSA held a beautiful welcome back dinner that included a fundraiser for humanitarian relief for people, numbering 33 million including 16 million children, impacted by the catastrophic floods in Pakistan.