Dear St. Lukers,
I’ve had a lot of heavy conversations with people recently. We, collectively and individually, seem to be carrying a lot right now. Whether it’s personal or family illness, financial challenges or job loss, mental health concerns, conflict with friends or family, or the overall concern for our community and society, I have had more conversations with St. Lukers in the last few weeks about heavy, heavy things weighing on them than I have in a long time, even in some of the hardest days of the pandemic.
And my pastoral recommendation to all of them has been, beginning this week, to lean into Lent. There is so much that Lent has to offer us when we are carrying heavy loads.
This year, we recognize that we are fully back to a world of busyness. We are fully back to a world that is pulling us in every direction. We are fully back to a world where it is nearly impossible to focus, to center ourselves, and to find peace. And so many people have shared that challenge with me, believing it’s something they, alone, are experiencing in their unique life circumstances.
Lent is that season where we recognize that while we are all on our own individual journeys, we can find support and sustenance on those journeys in common practice, shared experiences, and through the Christ who Scripture assures us walks with us through it all.
This year, we’re going back to...