Mostly meditation, but a bit of fun too.
Mostly meditation, but a bit of fun too.
As summer turns toward August 
Thanks to everyone who has been helping out at the Center this summer. The volunteer help is most appreciated. There's some information about a new staff member in this news update, and there will be more information about staff changes in the next update. Meanwhile, upcoming August events are described below. See the Calendar for events remaining this year, keeping in mind that changes may take place as online access continues to evolve. If there is a change to online access, or other change to an event, a staff member will notify you as soon as possible.
A reminder that in-person events tend to fill early. It's wise to register well in advance to ensure a place. 

August 5 All-Day Sitting is now also Online 

This popular event is full for in-person attendance, but an online component has recently been added. Sandra Gonzalez will give the talk. Click here to register to attend online. 

Sunday August 6 Annual Talent Show In person and Online 

Springwater Center is hosting a hybrid in-person/online event just for fun and we want you to come! Join us for a day of  food, laughter, music and friendship at Springwater Center.
Bring your favorite vegetarian/vegan dish to pass as well as outdoor seating.
Help us add to the fun by sharing your talent: bring your instruments, juggling sticks, dancing feet or whatever you’ve got!
Please RSVP by July 28: Hope to see you!

August 12-19 Retreat with Sandra Gonzalez

In-person and Online
Some in-person spaces remain in this retreat. Use the green button below to register to attend, either in-person or online.
Sandra will give talks, meet privately with both in-person and online attendees, and take part in dialogue meetings with the in-person group and the online group. 
Sandra has been leading retreats in both English and Spanish for many years. She began working with Toni Packer in 1988. Previously, she studied for seven years at Zen centers in New York and California.
In an article by Sandra entitled “Awareness invites Awareness: A Meditative Way of Being Together,” she wrote:
Presence invites presence when there is no resistance, no ownership of ideas, experiences or things, no worrying, no hurrying, no judging, no defendingjust the ease of life when we meet without wanting things to be otherwise. Certainly we all can participate; presence is free and available to all of us. There is a true beauty in this.
Sandra recently returned from a short stay in Nicaragua where she took part in an All-Day Sitting in Mombacho, pictured below. 
Sandra with All-Day Sitting Group in Nicaraguaa
Register for Retreat In person and Online with Sandra Gonzalez
Susan Esons

New Assistant Administrator 

Welcome to Susan Esons, who has been approved by the Board of Trustees as Assistant Administrator. Susan is currently working remotely after an in-person volunteer stint earlier this year. Susan brings a wealth of experience in administering a not-for-profit organization, as well as a deep commitment to meditative work stretching back to 1980. She will be in residence at the Center and working full time at the end of October. She plans to spend part of each summer at her camp in Vermont, while working remotely. Susan has been a member of the Center since 2000. Springwater friends may remember the happy atmosphere on her arrival at retreat accompanied by good friend Susan Parks. 
Susan sees herself as helping with a transition to the next generation of Center participants, staff and teachers. She says: "Life offers up unexpected opportunities and this one could not be dismissed or denied though it was tried. The work of meditative inquiry touches deep and I look forward to its continued impact and infuence on all and the world. This is an honor."

Online Offerings

Online events offer new possibilities for entering into meditation and dialogue with others. The schedule changes from time to time; please see the online offerings calendar as well as the Calendar of Events for the current schedule of online sittings, Saturday Programs and online retreats.
Expansion of morning online sittings: Thanks to volunteer Liz Feskoe, morning online sittings now take place seven days a week when no retreat is being held. 
Online events are hosted in the Center's usual Zoom room. Contact reception at if you need the invite link to access the room.  
There are opportunities to sit, hear a talk and dialogue with others at afternoon Saturday Programs. The next Saturday Programs will be July 29 and August 26, beginning at 1:30 p.m., with a sitting, followed by a recorded talk by Toni Packer, the Center's founder, and group dialogue. In the talk to be played at the upcoming July 29 Program, Toni asks and explores why we get angry, hurt, afraid, sad. 
Access talks by Toni Packer and other teachers on the Center's YouTube Channel
These online events are available at no cost, while donations are always appreciated to sustain the work of the Center.  Auto-debit options are also now available for your convenience.
Donate, Support Online Offerings, Become a Member

COVID Update

The COVID policy has been relaxed. It may change again during the summer. Scroll down the home page of the website to read the current policy. Staff make an effort to keep the website up to date with the most current requirements. If a change occurs for an event you are registered for, you'll be notified as soon as possible.
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