News and Programs 4.15.21
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Paid Summer Interfaith Internships: Emory OSRL Faith in the Vaccine Project
Application Deadline: Friday, April 23
May 1-October 1, 2021
Emory OSRL is participating in the nationwide “Faith in the Vaccine Project,” co-led by OSRL Dean Greg McGonigle and Muslim Religious Life Scholar Dr. Isam Vaid.
All Emory undergraduate and graduate/professional students are invited to apply to become Faith in the Vaccine Ambassadors for Summer 2021. Twenty ambassadors will be selected to develop projects with faith communities around Atlanta to advance vaccine trust, education, and access.
Special support will be provided to communities with low vaccination rates. Ambassadors will attend a training in May, will check in with the project leaders throughout the summer, and will submit project reports in the fall. Students will earn a stipend of $1500. For questions please email here. To apply, please fill out this form by April 23, 2021.
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Community Gathering For Healing and Hope: Responding to a Year with COVID-19
After a year of living with the COVID-19 pandemic, political divisiveness, and ongoing racial injustice and violence, this will be an opportunity to give voice to our experiences and feelings, to acknowledge the losses and the grief of the past year, to honor the sacrifices of unseen heroes, and to bring a sense of initial closure to this time when so many have been away from campus.
Through music, reflections, prayer and meditation, we will mark the passing of this time and seek collective healing and hope for the future. If possible, you are invited to have a candle on hand to light. For more information, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
Sponsored by the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, Faculty Staff Assistance Program, and Counseling and Psychological Services.
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Ramadan Mubarak from Emory OSRL
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As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahamatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Ramadan Mubarak.
May the blessings of this most blessed month be with you. Today we are on the third day of Ramadan, as we anticipate the fourth night of this blessed month. We are already experiencing the melodious recitations of the glorious Qur'an that fill our ears albeit virtually. This is a month where good deeds and good actions, including charitable works are rewarded manyfold. This is the second social distancing Ramadan, so we will observe this blessed month in safe and social distancing ways amidst the challenges of our time. Our students continue to be resilient, creative, and remarkable in how they have approached this academic year.
Do remember that while we fast from food and water, the challenges of Ramadan will push us and surprise us about ourselves. As we engage this master class in self-discipline and mind over body, it has the strong potential to uplift the spiritual self and elevate it from wherever it is at the moment. In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, “O you who believe! Fasting was decreed upon you as it was decreed upon those before you that you might become God-conscious.” (Al-Quran, 2:183). I look forward to connecting or reconnecting virtually or in person (in a socially distancing manner) during this special, month-long observance. Feel free to reach out to me in the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life at isam.vaid@emory.edu.
Dr. Isam Vaid
Muslim Religious Life Scholar
Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
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Call to Prayer from the Cox Hall Carillon
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During the month of Ramadan, the Muslim call to prayer (adhan) will be played from the Cox Hall carillon on Fridays after the 1:45 p.m. chimes. It has been a tradition for several decades at Emory during the Muslim sacred month of Ramadan to play the call to prayer on Fridays, which is the Muslim day for communal midday prayer (Jumu'ah).
The call to prayer is a general statement of Islamic belief and a summons to communal prayer. Traditionally, it is recited from mosque minarets five times per day to call Muslims to obligatory prayers. We are continuing this longstanding tradition in honor of all those gathering for midday prayers at home. Emory University wishes all those celebrating a meaningful and blessed Ramadan.
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Emory Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony (Yom HaShoah) Video
On Thursday, April 8, Emory Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Jordan Braunig and student leaders lead a time of poetry, prayer, and other reflections to remember the 6 million Jews and all victims of the Holocaust. President Greg Fenves offered personal remarks and shared his father's story as a Holocaust survivor. A special thanks to all involved for their organizing efforts and reflections. View the video recording by clicking on the image above or here.
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Midweek Musical Meditation - 4.14.21
Mourning the Loss of Daunte Wright
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Midweek Musical Meditation
Wednesdays during term, 12:00-12:15 p.m. EST, Zoom and Facebook Live
At this week's musical meditation OSRL mourned the loss of Daunte Wright who was fatally shot by police in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota on Sunday, April 11. We continue to hold Daunte’s family, friends, and the many others impacted by this tragic loss in our hearts.
Sponsored by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. For more information contact mallums@emory.edu.
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Religion and Voting Rights in Georgia
Tonight: Thursday, April 15, 6:30 p.m. EST, Zoom
Join Fair Fight University tonight to learn about the intersection between religion and voting rights in Georgia. Our panel will feature Dr. Beth Corrie, Rabbi Jordan Braunig, State Senator Reverend Kim Jackson, and Rabbi Lydia Medwin. The conversation will be moderated by Dr. Joseph Crespino. Sponsored by Emory Fair Fight U.
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Religious Holiday Learning Series: Hindu Spring Festivals Video
On Friday, April 9, Hindu Chaplain Brahmacharini Shweta Chaitanya, Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies Senior Lecturer Brajesh Samarth, and Graduate Division of Religion student Aalekhya Malladi, led a discussion on a few Hindu festivals that are celebrated at the start of spring. While there are numerous spring festivities that take place around this time, the discussion featured the festivals of Ugadi, Gudhi Padwa, and Holi.
Sponsored by the Graduate Student Government Association and the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, the Religious Holiday Learning Series highlights the ways that various holidays are observed by members of our own Emory community.
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Krystyna Jordan
Program Coordinator, Belonging and Community Justice, Emory Campus Life
| Beloved Community Christian Worship
Sunday, April 18, 11:00 a.m. Eastern, Zoom Registration
Preacher: Krystyna Jordan
Scriptures: Matthew 13:5-9, 31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Romans 8:14-17, 26-27, 37-39
Sermon: Where is My Mustard Seed? Hope in the Presence of Spiritual Fatigue
As an alumnus of Emory University, I feel a special connection to the Emory student body. While in undergrad, I majored in Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies and became a strong believer that social justice is not an abstract concept but an attainable future. As someone who greatly benefited from support resources at Emory as a student, it brings me great joy to help students obtain academic, mental and social support. I currently work in Belonging and Community Justice in Emory Campus Life as the program coordinator for the 1915 Scholars Program, and the Mariposa Scholars Program. In these capacities, I hope to be an example for Emory students as well as other young professional seeking to make a difference.
During the summer of 2020, I decided to embark on a journey of personal and professional fulfillment through theological education. At present, I am pursuing a Masters of Theology with a focus on Public Spaces at the Interdenominational Theological Center or ITC. My goal is to explore and practice philosophies of social justice that engage the spirituality as foundational to the holistic wellbeing of persons and communities.
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| Emory University Beloved Community - April 11, 2021
Shari Madkins, PhD Candidate, Graduate Division of Religion
LGBTQ Service: "Come Out to Come In"
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Call for Contributions: Online Multifaith Baccalaureate for the Class of 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021, 4:30-5:00 p.m. ET, Virtual
Each year, we look forward to celebrating graduating seniors and sending them into the world with blessings in the Multifaith Baccalaureate Ceremony. Again this year this will be a video tribute, but last year's was a cherised production that brought together Emory deans, chaplains, affiliates, faculty, staff, and seniors to create a video celebration and keepsake.
Opportunity to Get Involved: If you are a graduating senior who would like to help plan the 2021 Multifaith Baccalaureate for the Class of 2021 or contribute original music, poetry, readings, dance, art or spiritual blessings and reflections, please contact Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Jordan Braunig at jordan.braunig@emory.edu. You can also submit ideas here.
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Emory Day of Giving: Thank You
The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life sends a special thank you to all who donated to OSRL on this year's Emory Day of Giving on March 24. We received almost $5,000 from 70 gifts. These gifts strengthen our community and enhance spiritual life on campus and in the many communities we serve. You can contribute to OSRL anytime at our website here.
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Virtual Buddha Day Celebration
Thursday, May 6, 6:00 p.m. EST, Zoom
Join us as we commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Buddha. The program will include meditation, chanting, Dhamma talks, and student reflections.
For more information, please email Buddhist Chaplain Venerable Priya Sraman. Join here.
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30 Days of Climate Action Eco-Faith From Home
Ongoing through Thursday, May 13
The United Methodist Creation Justice Movement and Glenn's Environmental Committee’s 30 Days of Climate Action Eco-Faith from Home is Sponsored by Georgia Interfaith, Power & Light (gipl), the Ray Anderson Foundation, and Drawdown GA,.
These 30 days are sure to provoke discussion and provide inspiration in the fight against the environmental crisis we are currently in.
Glenn's Environmental Committee invites you to sign up for free. Sign up here and attend as you are able. Sponsored by Glenn Memorial Church.
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Black Church, Religion, and Politics
Thursday, April 15, 6:00-8:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Black Church Studies (BCS) at Candler, join this panel of prominent leaders, academics, and practitioners on the Black church, religion, and politics that will consider the historical reality of an institution designed to resist intractable social forces by way of its racial justice orientation and involvement with political activism which spawned social moments and movements from its invisible inception in America—then and now. To register, please click here.
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This Thursday, Emory Buddhist Club welcomes Jian Gan Shifu, joining us from Dharma Jewel Monastery. DJM, established in 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia, is the largest Chinese Chan meditation center in the Southeastern United States. Jian Gan Shifu will be leading a 3-part seminar at EBC meetings over the next few weeks. At each meeting, she will lead a meditation and give a Dharma talk on the following topics:
- April 15: Karma & Causality
- April 22: Interdependence & Emptiness
- April 29: Middle Way & Buddha Nature
To participate in the meeting, use the link included above. Anyone is welcome to join. The Emory Buddhist Club is a student-led effort.
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Weekly Community and Reflection with Venerable Priya
Fridays, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, Zoom
Join Venerable Priya, Emory Buddhist Chaplain, and other participants for a time of community and reflection together. The purpose of this time is to connect and relax with each other as we share our reflections on our favorite poems, texts, and experiences that are meaningful, whether spiritually or not. There will be pre-selected topics/texts for reflection. We also encourage you to bring a poem or text that is meaningful to you, but that is not required.
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Hindu Students Association Weekly Aarti
Fridays, 5:00 p.m., Zoom
Join the Hindu Students Association (HSA) this Friday at 5:00 p.m. for Aarti facilitated by the Emory HSA and Brahmacharini Shweta Chaitanya. All are welcome to attend. Click here for the Zoom link.
Aarti is a form of worship in which a lamp, typically an oil lamp, is circled around a symbol, image, or deity while singing prayers of veneration. The various icons towards which the Aarti is performed hold unique significance across different Hindu traditions, although the atmosphere of joy and upliftment is common to all. Whether performed alone in one’s home or in a communal setting like a temple, Aarti is a ritual by which Hindus connect devotionally to their spiritual and religious principles.
For more information, please contact Brahmacharini Shweta Chaitanya. More about the Emory HSA and their activities can be found on their Facebook page.
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Panel on Anti-Semitism
Monday, April 19, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Eastern
Come hear from professionals and local community leaders on contemporary anti-Semitism and this hatred's historic roots. In partnership with the Young Democrats of Emory, we will learn as a greater Emory community on topics like the anti-Semitism behind January 6 and the IHRA definition. A significant part of this event will be a Q&A session to field any questions. Register today. Sponsored by Hillel at Emory and Young Democrats of Emory. Learn more here.
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This Week with the University Catholic Center
Learn more about the University Catholic Center here and see their full bulletin here. For our virtual masses, click here to watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
- Hot Takes Happy Hour
Mondays, 7:00- 8:00 p.m., Zoom
Welcome to Hot Takes Happy Hour, a time to unpack and decompress difficult and potentially controversial topics in a faith-centered atmosphere. Click here to join us on Zoom.
- Game Night
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Zoom
Looking for something fun to do or need a mental break? Come hang out and play games with us. Jackbox, Among Us, and other video games, card games, board games, and trivia - you name it, we'll play it. Click here to join us on Zoom.
- Catholic Chat
Wednesdays, 8:00-8:30 p.m., Zoom
Do you have questions about the Church? Are you puzzled by Church teachings? Do you want to think aloud – and with others – in a comfortable informal setting that encourages participation and exchange? Join us for open-minded, in-depth conversations about Catholicism. Click here to join us on Zoom.
- Fellowship and Adoration Night
Fridays, 6:00-7:30 p.m., Zoom
The Fellowship and Adoration Night is a student-led Bible study focused on growing in faith and experiencing Christ's presence in our lives. Join us on the University Catholic Center back deck at 1753 N. Decatur Road, Decatur, GA 30307, or on Zoom every Friday during the school year. Click here to join us on Zoom.
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Virtual Fun Run/Walk Challenge
Ongoing until May 1
Join the competition. Emory Adventist Christian Fellowship (EACF) will be hosting a series of four challenges via the Nike Run Club app:
- Challenge 1: April 4-10
- Challenge 2: April 11-17
- Challenge 3: April 18-24
- Challenge 4: April 25-May 1
Participants will have a week to walk or run 10 miles at their own pace. At the end of each week, the leaderboards will reset, and a new challenge begins.
To sign up, please complete this contact form. You can find the links to the registration instructions and racer's group chat at the beginning of the contact form.
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Mindfulness in Action
Wednesdays until May 5, 12:00 p.m. ET
The realities of the pandemic have been difficult for us all, in different ways. It is no surprise that mindful meditation has gained increasing popularity as a method of coping, but is there more to meditation than apps can give? How do we actually include meditative practices in our lives, with practical tips? Can meditative practices serve as grounding for our work ethic, sense of self, advocacy and activism, or even our deeper sense of purpose?
Join us for eight sessions led by Dr. Aparna Ramaswamy -- professional counsellor and senior lecturer at Johns Hopkins University -- as we find ways to make these ideals a reality. Featuring guided meditations, small group discussions, tips and tricks and much more.
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Who to Obey: The Law or the Prophets?
Thursday, April 22, 7:00 p.m., ET, Webinar
This webinar will explore questions related to lay participation in governance and the ordination of women as deacons.
The speaker, Dr. Phyllis Zagano is an internationally acclaimed Catholic scholar who has lectured throughout the United States, and in Canada, Europe and Australia. Her many awards include the 2014 Isaac Hecker Award for Social Justice from The Paulist Center Community in Boston for “her prolific body of work that has constantly echoed the cry of the poorest of our society for dignity and for justice both inside and outside the church, specifically the dignity of all women.”
Her groundbreaking work on women in the diaconate led to her appointment to the Pontifical Commission for the Study of the Diaconate of Women in 2016. She has taught at Fordham, Boston, and Yale Universities, and currently holds a research appointment at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York. Her newest book, Women: Icons of Christ (Paulist Press, 2020) examines the historical and theological evidence for the ministry of women ordained as Catholic deacons.
Webinar Registration here.
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International Student Coffee Hour Fridays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST, Zoom
International Coffee Hour is a longstanding community-building tradition at Emory where international students and scholars can meet each other over a meal or drink, learn about resources, and network.
Coffee hour will be virtual this year, and we are excited to still offer this as a time to pause and relax as a community, connect with one another, and learn about the many resources available for internationals at Emory. Feel free to drop in with any questions, concerns, just to connect with other students, scholars, and staff.
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Women of Dharma Leadership Conference Saturday, April 24, 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern
Registration is and more details can be found here.
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Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta - Weekly Enewsletter The Regional Council of Churches Weekly Church Action eNewsletter contains events, volunteer opportunities, and resources of interest to the faith community. We welcome submissions from the community. Past issues are here. Below are a few highlights from this week's edition:
- Ignite the Church Conference
Thursday, April 15, 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET, Webinar The April webinar is “Creative Expressions of Church” featuring Bishop Ken Carter of the United Methodist Church and author and pastor Emily M. D. Scott. Please visit www.IgniteTheChurch.net for more information and to register.
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Faith In Isolation: A Multifaith Panel Discussion Sunday, April 18, 5:00-6:15 p.m., Zoom
In response to Brenda Bancel’s new photographic exhibit "Faith in Isolation Expressed," religious leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions will explore the ways in which they and their communities have expressed their spiritual commitments during the pandemic. The conversation will include discussion of prayer, meditation, study, and acts of service and advocacy. This webinar is free and open to the public. To learn more and register, click here.
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Faith-Based Approaches Can Positively Impact Covid-19 Vaccination Efforts Thursday, April 22, 10:00-11:30 a.m, EDT
The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and IFYC will present findings from our joint Religious Diversity and Vaccine Survey. Join us to learn about sources of vaccines hesitancy and recommendations for faith-based approaches for increasing vaccine uptake. Register here.
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Register here Interfaith for Rookies: Part 1 Tuesday, May 4, 1:00 p.m., EST
Invite students new to interfaith to join fellow rookies to courageously and compassionately explore how to leverage religious diversity for the common good. Students may join for part one of the training and register for part two of the training here. Register here for Part 1 training.
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Georgia Buddhist Summer Camp May 29-31, 7:00-9:00 p.m. ET, Zoom
Atlanta Buddhism is pleased to invite you to this year's Georgia Buddhist Summer Camp, which will be online only via Zoom. We have several great teachers, including senior American monk Reverend Heng Sure from Berkeley Buddhist Monastery. There will be a youth group and an adults group. All are welcome, so please register for this free camp at www.georgiabuddhistcamp.com.
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APIDA Art and Activism Thursday, April 15, 6:00 p.m. ET, Zoom
Join the Office for RACE for their last installment of the APIDA SolidariTea series. They will be chatting about APIDA art and artists and cross-stitching together. Feel free to join in the conversation even if you don't plan on crafting.
Enter the meeting ID into Zoom: 791 072 1774. We hope to see you there.
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Roundtable Discussion: "Student Views on Inclusion in the Global Workplace" Friday, April 16, 12:00-1:00 p.m. ET, Online
With Atlanta’s growth as a global business hub, corporate initiatives on diversity, equity and social justice are intersecting in new ways with their mandate to cultivate a culturally competent workforce.
A new sense of urgency seems to have gripped the business community with the racial reckoning after George Floyd’s death and the inequities spotlighted by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
As one of the most concentrated higher education hubs in the U.S., Atlanta is graduating thousands of increasingly diverse future workers who demand bold action on these crucial issues. And with a worker shortage already taking hold in some sectors, how well companies can meet students’ demands for meaningful social action in their workplace will become a competitiveness issue.
Join us for a lively, honest conversation with Atlanta-area students, educators, and advocates. Click here to learn more about our panelists, and click here to register.
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Race & Difference Colloquium Series Monday, April 19, 12:00 p.m., Zoom
The weekly Race & Difference Colloquium Series features local and national speakers presenting academic research on contemporary questions of race and intersecting dimensions of difference. The James Weldon Johnson Institute (JWJI) is pleased to have the Robert W. Woodruff Library and the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript and Rare Book Library as major co-sponsors of the Colloquium Series.
Our next speaker will be another JWJI fellow, Dr. Barbara Combs from Clark Atlanta University, whose talk is titled "Theorizing the Continuing Attack Against Black Bodies."
All events are free but registration is required. Please register here. Once registered, you will receive the Zoom link.
If you require a disability-related accommodation to participate in this event, please contact Rhonda Patrick of the JWJI by email here or by phone at 404-727-5960 to arrange services.
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Disrupting and Rebuilding Global Healthcare Systems Tuesday, April 20, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. ET, Zoom
In collaboration with Race Beyond Borders, Emory Global Health Institute (EGHI) is hosting the fifth session of the Decolonizing Global Health Series on the topic of disrupting and rebuilding global healthcare systems. We encourage you to read the posted pre-reading, but this is not required. All are welcome. Click here to register.
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Changing with the Times: Asian American Studies Then and Now Tuesday, April 20, 6:00 p.m. ET, Zoom
Join the Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement in a conversation for the Emory community on the origins and future of Asian American Studies, both as a social movement and academic field. Panelists Ellen Wu (Associate Professor of History, Indiana University Bloomington), Quan Tran (Lecturer in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration), and Calvin Cheung-Miaw (PhD candidate in Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University) will speak on Asian American activism and solidarity, the emergence of the field during the Vietnam War, and its present and future in a more diverse post-1975 world. Dr. Chris Suh (Assistant Professor of History, Emory University) will moderate. To register please click here.
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Virtual Emory Denim Day Wednesday, April 21
Denim Day, which is an initiative of Emory's Office of Respect, seeks to support survivors and raise funds for the office. Members of the Emory community are invited to participate by wearing jeans (or any denim clothing) with a purpose: visible means of protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual violence.
We would love for you to participate with us on social media by using the hashtag #EmoryDenimDay to share photos and highlights from conversations you have about how you can prevent sexual violence and support survivors. You can tag the Office of Respect on Facebook; Twitter @RespectWell; and Instagram @office_of_respect. Join us to raise awareness and create a campus free of sexual violence.
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Sexual Citizens Book Tour Wednesday, April 21, 6:30 p.m. EST, Zoom
Emory University's Department of Title IX is honored to have authors Dr. Jennifer S. Hirsch and Dr. Shamus R. Khan (Columbia University) join us to discuss their recent book, Sexual Citizens: A Landmark Study of Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus on Wednesday, April 21 via a Zoom Webinar moderated by Dr. Jessica Sales, Associate Professor at Rollins School of Public Health. Published in January 2020, the book puts forth powerful new concepts to help explain the forces in young people’s sexual lives and explores sexual assault on college campuses. Through research and interviews with students, the book discusses people's experiences, sexual relationships, and a roadmap on how to address sexual assault.
Join the conversation. Please register for this event by clicking here.
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"Viral Justice: Racism, Vulnerability, and Refuting Black Pathology Thursday, April 22, 4:00np.m -5:30 p.m. EST
"Viral Justice: Racism, Vulnerability, and Refuting Black Pathology is a talk by author and speaker Dr. Ruha Benjamin. In this talk, Dr. Benjamin examines the twin crises of COVID-19 and police violence, mapping the many vectors through which racism gets under the skin, into the blood stream, attacking our bodies and body politic. She offers a theory of change, viral justice; as a practical and principled approach to transmuting a hostile racial climate into one that is more habitable, hopeful, and just.
Dr. Benjamin is a world-renowned scholar and professor of African American studies at Princeton University and the director of the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab. She writes, teaches, and speaks widely on the relationship between innovation and inequity; knowledge and power; and race and citizenship.
She is the author of People's Science: Bodies & Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier (Stanford University Press, 2013) and Race After Technology (Polity Press, 2019) and the editor of the award-winning Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life (Duke University Press, 2019). Her next book, Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want will explore policing and incarceration; healthcare and scientific research; and work and education.
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Please register here or use the QR code on the attached flyer.
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Opportunities and Resources
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Bystander Intervention Trainings
April 2021, Zoom
Unfortunately, anti-Asian and Asian American racism and xenophobia are not new phenomenons. It has been part of American history for a long time, and we have seen it manifested against different Asian/American and Pacific Islander communities in many ways over the years. As the coronavirus pandemic escalates, we have seen more harassment, discrimination, and even violence directed at these communities.
In response to the rise in Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment, we at Hollaback! partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to adapt our free bystander intervention training as well as offering a de-escalation training to meet this moment. We would like to invite you to attend our free bystander intervention trainings. Please note you must register in advance at this link. Dates are added intermittently, so you're welcome to bookmark the link to stay up-to-date on our training sessions.
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Personal Prayer Spaces on Campus - Spring 2021
Communal religious practices are happening virtually or off-campus this semester. Cannon Chapel, the university chapel on the Quad, is closed for communal spiritual gatherings. However, there are small prayer spaces around campus that are available for individual prayer and meditation. To see a list of those spaces, please click here or below.
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Weekly Religious and Philosophical Gatherings
While this is a year unlike any other, there are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory. Many of them are listed here.
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Upcoming Religious Holidays and Festivals
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here.
Great Lent Ongoing through Friday, April 30 Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox In Orthodox churches, the first day of Lent marks the beginning of the Great Fast, the final six weeks of a 10-week period leading up to Holy Week and Easter (Pascha). In the churches that follow the Gregorian calendar, Lent is a six-week observance (40 days excluding Sundays) beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week. It is a time of repentance and sacrifice in preparation for Easter.
Ramadan Ongoing through Wednesday, May 12 Tradition: Islam The Holy Month of Ramadan is the month of fasting during which Muslims who are physically able do not eat or drink from the first sign of dawn until sunset in honor of the first revelations to the Prophet Muhammad. The evening meal is celebrated with family.
Ridvan April 19-May 1 Tradition: Baha'i Commemorates the 12 days that Baha'u'llah spent in the Garden of Ridvan in the last days of his exile in Baghdad, during which time he proclaimed himself as the one announced by Bab. Work is suspended for the first, ninth, and twelfth days.
Ramanavami Wednesday, April 21 Tradition: Hinduism Celebrates the birthday of Rama, the seventh incarnation of the God Vishnu. The Ramayana, one of the Hindu epics that tells the story of Rama, is read during the previous eight days.
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We welcome your support for the mission and programs of the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. Thank you for your prayers and generosity.
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Emory OSRL Enews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life covering Atlanta-campus programs. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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