Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University
Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University

Annual Powwow, Salmon Bake this week

The PSU United Indigenous Students in Higher Education (UISHE) student organization is hosting the 50th Annual Naimuma Powwow on Saturday, May 6, in Viking Pavilion at the Peter W. Stott Center. 
Doors open at noon with Grand Entries at 1:00 and 7:00 p.m. Sisters Frybread will be on-site throughout the day along with a free dinner feed from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Native American Student and Community Center. 

The Powwow is free and open to the public! Check out the complete program for information on events and etiquette. (Pro tip: Never touch regalia, drums, feathers, hair or take individual photos without asking permission first.)

Don't miss: On Friday, May 5, UISHE will host its first Salmon Bake since the pandemic from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the South Park Blocks near the Native American Student and Community Center. The salmon bake will be held in collaboration with Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives (MMIWR) Awareness Day, which is May 5. 

For questions or ADA accommodations, please email UISHE at, or call the NASCC at (503) 725-9695.

Native American dancers take to the floor at the 2022 Naimuma Powwow in Viking Pavilion.
During the 2022 UISHE Naimuma Powwow, Native American dancers take part in a ceremonial dance at the Viking Pavilion.

Lu'au Lights Up VP on May 13

Help the PSU Pacific Islanders Club honor island history with cultural performances, vendors and prizes during the 20th annual Lu’au: Ring of Fire on Saturday, May 13, in Viking Pavilion at the Peter W. Stott Center. Doors open at 4 p.m. and the event will feature student dances that represent the beauty of Tahiti, Refaluwasch, Hawai’i and Sāmoa, as well as two fire knife performers, music by True Vibez and great food. Purchase advance tickets at
Seven dancers perform on stage in front of a display screen featuring island flowers.
Traditional dance is demonstrated at the 2022 Lu'au in Viking Pavilion. The Pacific Islanders Club hosts this year's event on Saturday, May 13.
Food Pantry in the Basement: The PSU Food Pantry, a food-security resource for students is located in the basement of Smith. This term the Food Pantry is open from noon to 5 p.m. on M, T, W, F; 11 a.m. to 1 p.m Thursdays. Learn more, volunteer to help at this valuable amenity or make an appointment to visit on their website

ASPSU candidate forums May 2-5 in Parkway North

Vote smart after attending the ASPSU candidate forums this week in Smith’s Parkway North. Come learn what priorities the candidates have for the future of student government on campus and ask questions! Debates will be moderated by PSU Pacific Sentinel and The PSU Vanguard. Snacks will be provided. Can’t attend in person? Join online (links below) or review the discussions on the PSU YouTube channel following the events.

Meet the candidates before the voting begins May 8:
  • 3:30-5 p.m. Tuesday, May 2 — Senate candidates (Zoom link
  • 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3 — Student Fee Committee candidates (Zoom link)
  • 3-4:30 p.m. Friday, May 5 — President & Vice President candidates (Link TBD — Check ASPSU Connect page for info)
The Smith Scoop welcomes event announcements to our content submission form. If we find we aren't able to use them — usually those that  are being held before our next edition — we've been known to feature on the Smith Display screens. 
The CarbinX system -- roughly the size of two dark brown refrigerators -- sits next to a large green tank in the Smith subbasement.
Two photos: On the left, the exposed interior of the CarbinX with the upper section wrapped in insulation and the lower portion showing a large tank. In right photo: A bar of forest green Clean O 2 soap floats in a pool of water.
Top: The CarbinX carbon capture machine casts its eerie glow through the Smith sub-basement as building venue manager Mercedes Youngston checks out the system. Bottom: The CarbinX during installation and a sample bar of the soap made from the pearl ash created when the system removes carbon dioxide from a hot-water system or boiler.

Smith Cuts C02 Emissions With New Tech

Working with PSU’s Planning and Sustainability Office, Smith Memorial Student Union is adding a carbon capture device to our hot water system.

The Clean 02 CarbinX system, located in the sub-basement, pulls carbon dioxide from the existing hot-water system’s exhaust and, using a reactant, converts it to “pearl ash.” Smith produces hot water for students, staff, food services, events and building operations. 

While pearl ash has a number of potential uses, Clean 02, a Canadian firm that hopes to minimize “our burden on the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling materials,” will be turning the ash from Smith into bars of soap. Seriously.

“We’re taking a bi-product that could negatively impact our environment and turning it into a positive,” says Daryl M. Pierson, director of PSU’s Planning and Sustainability Office. “It’s an opportunity that makes sense for us.”

While the student union is working with NW Natural and our own Facilities & Property Management department on the installation, Portland State is getting the CarbinX itself at no costs. And it should help with the utility bills. The system helps heat the building water as it removes CO2. The typical CarbinX unit can have the same carbon-reducing impact as 300 trees, CleanO2 says.

You can clean up: To welcome this new technology to Smith, we are giving away two bars of Clean 02 soap. Just enter at our Scoop Soap form and winners will be chosen at random. 

Students demonstrate caps, gowns, tassels and stoles of graditude purchased from the University Market.

University Market: Caps, Gowns Available

Commencement regalia – that’s gowns, caps, tassels and more for 2023 graduates — is on sale through the University Market. You can come by the Market between now and commencement week to shop or place an order by May 12 online at and pick up regalia at Grad Fair on May 15-16 or, after that, at the Market.

Don’t forget the University Market — home of the snacks, drinks and supplies you crave — is open 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. M-Th, til 5 p.m. F, on the ground floor of Smith.
Smith Retail Hours

— University Market in Smith, 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. M-Th; till 5 p.m. Friday
— Bowery Bagels, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. M-Th; til 1 p.m. F
— Smith's Place coffee shop, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-Th; til 4 p.m. F
— Smith's Kitchen food court, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-Th; til 2 p.m. F
— Viking Gameroom, noon to 6 p.m. M-F (closed during special events)

The Smith Scoop promotes events, programs, services, and resources of interest to those who use Portland State University's Smith Memorial Student Union.
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To let us know about your event or changes in your department or Smith-based group, drop us a line via our Content Submission Form.
To view past Smith Scoop editions, visit The Smith Scoop archive

We hope you enjoy The Smith Scoop and your time at Smith Memorial Student Union!
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