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Dear Friend,
My iPad 102 class is really catching on. I think people are understanding they have very powerful technology right in their hands and a little learning will go a long way.
Companies and associations that have purchased tablets for employees are coming to the same conclusion. Technology without training is a waste of money. It can also be very frustrating for users who really do want to do more. Here is an updated class list.
Here's a picture of my iPad screen using Picture in Picture to watch the Super Bowl while reading the news. You can move and resize the picture but it always stays on top - pretty cool!
And in case you missed all the excitement last month it is still available here.
Enjoy -  Gary
Looking for a good way to beef up your security?
One of the best ways to keep someone from breaking into your important online accounts is Two Step Authentication; it adds a small amount of work for you but a great amount of work for anyone trying to steal your money or your identity. More and more banks allow you to set up this system that sends a One Time Password to your phone whenever you try to log in online. Then you enter that password - often a four digit number - into your computer. This is easy for you to do but impossible for someone who does not have your phone .
And one other thing, It's a bad idea to log into financial accounts and other critical sites in coffee shops and other places with pubic wi-fi. It's way too easy for someone to use their smartphone  as a free "hotspot" - a bogus wi-if connection - and intercept all your transmissions and keystrokes.
Warning: Do not buy a new iPad!
At least until Apple likely announces new models in March. New models have new features and current models drop in price. Last fall when Apple would have normally rolled out a new iPad, they came out with the Pro model. Since that is a product in its own right, the standard iPad has not had an upgrade for a year and a half. A spring model seems likely and it is also possible they will switch to an 18 month schedule. The current models are very powerful and most future improvements will come in the operating system as well as the apps - annual upgrades may be a thing of the past.
And if you're a serious iPad user, you should consider upgrading if you have an earlier model. The most recent iPad Air models are much faster than the first four versions - a trend likely to continue with the coming Air 3 or whatever it's called.
Self Driving Cars - the missing stats
Last month I described the results of my December survey on autonomous vehicles and the next day another surprising report came out on this topic. Google - a major promoter of this technology - often mentions that their cars have been involved in a tiny number of accidents and the majority were not serious or the other driver's fault.
It turns out there is a more important metric that was recently reported - how often did the test driver have to take control when the car "requested" or the driver decided on their own to do so. Companies reported many such incidents and there is no way to know how many avoided accidents but it is safe to assume that some of them did. Story continued here..
Four Quick Takes
>>> Five things you shouldn't tell Facebook.
>>> Streaming Internet Sticks for your TV
If your TV does not include an Internet connection, you can do it with a "box" such as Roku or Apple TV but here are simpler, less expensive and less powerful ways to do it as described here by my fellow blogger at the Wonder of Tech.
>>> Right on schedule
IBM and Apple released their 100th iOS MobileFirst app
>>> And if you were wondering -
What Android devices will be able to use the latest and greatest OS (Marshmallow) here's the list.
Exif metadata information about images
Exif Metadata on he left
Photography Corner
It's been a while since I've taken a "deep dive" into photography so I think it's time. If you want to take your smartphone photography to the next step, you should get two types of apps. The first will help you take better pictures; the second will help you understand how images are captured so you can go back to step one and take better pictures.
There are many apps that will do these things. I'm going to describe Shoot and Exif Photos for the iPhone; DSLR Camera Pro and JPEG Exif Viewer for Android appear to be similar although I have not used them. Read the rest of the story here...
Just one more thing
For all you Downton Abbey fans I have it on good authority that Mr. and Mrs. Bates will open a chain of B&Bs. When they bring it to America, it will be the Bates Motels - one of which will be come very famous. Get it? Drop me a note if you read all the way down here!

    February 2016
         Issue 76
Who I am and what I do
My lifetime passion has been explaining technology to non-technical audiences. I've been a programmer, project manager, system designer and independent consultant. I've taught at the high school and university level, published numerous articles and given hundreds of lectures across the US and abroad. In my spare time I volunteer for several social service organizations and enjoy my photography hobby.

How I can help you
I will work with you to develop an educational program suited to your association, business or other group - long or short, basic or advanced. Popular topics include:
• Small group roundtables
• Mobile Tech 101
• Mobile devices in business
• How mobile payments are changing the way we do business
• iPad tips and tricks
• Apps, apps and more apps
• Technologies and companies to watch
• Why good cameras take bad pictures
• How things work - from your PC to the Internet

Click here for more information on these topics.

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