It takes 21 days to form a habit. 

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Week 2: Education
Today's Challenge: College
To wrap up week 2 and our discussion around issues of racism and inequity within our educational systems, let’s challenge ourselves to consider some of the barriers that minorities face in attaining a college degree. Today, we will consider how standardized tests were designed to keep students of color and women away from higher education, the adversities low-income Black students experience while on campus, and the economic turmoil graduates of color face in repaying their loans. These hurdles and others are a part of a flawed higher education system in our country.

We Challenge You To Take...

Carl Brigham, the creator of the original SAT believed that American education was declining and “will proceed with an accelerating rate as the racial mixture becomes more and more extensive.” Watch this video on how standardized tests were designed by racists and eugenicists.
Read this piece by Harvard Graduate School of Education professor, Anthony Abraham Jack, on why colleges must learn that students who come from poverty need more than financial aid to succeed.
Data shows that students of color are more likely to take on student debt compared to their whilte counterparts. Read this article to learn more about why, on average, 20 years after starting college, the median Black borrower still owes 95 percent of the initial student loan balance, while the median white borrower has paid down almost 95 percent of the balance. 
Listen or read this story from NPR about a study that happened in New York comparing two identical, yet hypothetical, students applying tor loans. Their only difference was that one attended NYU and one attended Howard, one of the most famous historically Black colleges.

We are halfway through the 21 Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge!
We value your feedback. Would you complete this survey and let us know your thoughts thus far? 
Click HERE for the 5 question survey!

Education Week Action Items

Read this brief intro on school segregation and bring together a small group of colleagues, family or friends to participate in one of 6 interactive activities. 

Check out this map and see which school district you are located in within Knox County. Write a letter to your  school board representative or attend your next school board meeting to bring up a big issue of concern. 
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