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Provost's video message | history videos | faculty learning communities
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Faculty Affairs Newsletter

29 September 2020 | volume 2 issue 3

We hope you will take a break and enjoy this issue of F.A.N. 

-The Faculty Affairs Team 

Video Message

from Provost Lundgren


Why Volker Campus? UMKC History with Chris Wolff

Chris Wolff, general merchandise manager at the UMKC Bookstore, and our campus historian. In the video above, Wolff tells the story of the beginning of Kansas City University and Volker Campus. To see more videos about UMKC's history, visit the website.  
Watch the videos

Faculty Learning Communities

A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is a peer-led group of faculty members who engage in an active, collaborative, year-long program, structured to provide encouragement, support, and reflection. FLC members work together to produce outcomes or products about teaching and learning. Through FLCs, faculty members engage in scholarly teaching and student-centered learning, collaborating within a collegial framework that offers peer review and support.

FLCs meet once or twice a month for six or seven months across the academic year, and each community has two types of outcomes—individual changes to one's own practice, and a group "give back" to the larger UMKC teaching community. All UMKC faculty members - tenure track, tenured, and non-tenure-track -- are encouraged to participate in FLCs.
FLC's forming late October and concluding late April and will meet approximately 10 times synchronously by Zoom. 
Faculty participants receive a stipend of $500 on completion of the learning community
FLC 1: Improving Student Belonging 
Underserved and marginalized students may face unique difficulties (isolation, marginalization, discrimination, racism, ableism) that cause them to change majors early in their time at UMKC, decide to transfer to another college or university, or stop their postsecondary education altogether. This FLC will bring together faculty interested in exploring how to help students develop a sense of belonging in a class, major, and/or discipline. 
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FLC 2: Threshold Concepts for

Writing Intensive Faculty

This faculty learning community (FLC) will focus on (1) how and why faculty write differently in their disciplines and (2) how to articulate and apply threshold concepts in writing studies and one's own discipline. Modeled after the Howe Center for Writing Excellence's Faculty Writing Fellows Program at Miami University, this FLC will bring together WI faculty from across the university to learn from the expertise about writing in one's discipline that everyone brings with them to their classroom and scholarship. This FLC will not only facilitate individual learning about effective writing instruction and assignment design practices, but also will make visible the knowledgeable, diverse, creative culture(s) of writing at UMKC.
Read more
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FLC 3: Vertical Teaming High School to College
Facilitated by Arthur "Gus" Jacob
Want to connect with urban high school teachers to share insights and reflect on the transition from high school to college? This faculty learning community is for you.
UMKC faculty teach students who recently graduated from high school and it may have been a while since faculty were in a high school classroom. High school teachers prepare students for college, while the school guidance counselor typically interacts with the colleges. College faculty may know about high school - they went to high school - and yet many things have changed. Faculty from other countries may also be intrigued about U.S. high schools. Let's talk about transition! 
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image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

"When Great Trees Fall"
by Maya Angelou

Read the poem

According to the Research

To improve mental health outcomes for college students, reduce experiences of rejection on campus. 

Read the article

Moeller, R. W., Seehuus, M., & Peisch, V. (2020). Emotional Intelligence, Belongingness, and Mental Health in College Students. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

The Latest Issue 

Roo Connection

The Student Affairs newsletter features information students can use to be successful at UMKC. Here is a link to the latest issue.
Check out Roo Connection
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How did they make that for free? StoryMapJS
Earth at Night | NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using data from Miguel Román, NASA GSFC
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