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Week 4: Public Health 
Today's Challenge: Racism in Medical Care Today
Have you ever been to the doctor and have them tell you that the pain or discomfort you are feeling isn't real or isn't serious? Do you worry that, in an emergency, unconscious bias could delay or deny you life-saving care? If you are a person of color this is an all too common experience. Today, we are learning how a history of racism in American medicine combined with unconscious bias from health care professionals is impacting the quality of care that people of color receive today.

We Challenge You To Take...

People of color are being disproportionately affected by the coronavirus at much higher rates, in both urban and rural areas. Read this article and see the data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Read this article about the dangerous racial and ethnic stereotypes that still exist in medicine today and how they impact the care that people of color receive from their healthcare providers.
Watch this interview with Harriet Washington, author of "Medical Apartheid" who talks about how, even though the worst medical practices of 18th and 19th centuries are over, there are still a lot of medical research studies that can be abusive.
Listen to this podcast about how unconscious bias becomes dangerous in emergency medical situations where providers are much more likely to default to making decisions based on stereotypes.
Take a look at the current COVID-19 data in Knox County by clicking HERE. Data shows that the hospitilization and death rates of Black Knoxvillians is much higher than their white neighbors. 

Public Health Week Action Items

Learn more about Black Mamas Matter Alliance that is referenced in above resources by clicking HERE.
Talk to your company/organization's HR department about their parental leave policy and other systems in place to support new parents.
Write a letter to your local elected officials urging them to declare racism a public health crisis. Chattanooga and Memphis already have. Here is a list of Knoxville's City Council members. 
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